High-Performance Racing Oil – What’s the Differ

When you choose products for a racing car, you want to ensure you get the maximum potential performance, while also maintaining optimal safety.

One very important product for a car is motor oil. There is a big difference between the demands of a racing car and the demands of a car that is used for commuting or pleasure, so you may want to consider using a motor oil designed with the ability to enhance the performance of a racing car.

Motor oils may all have a common purpose, but not all motor oil companies use the same criteria in their creation process. The differences in performance do not correspond proportionately to their prices – although the expensive brands may want you to think they do.

Driven Racing Oil was developed by Joe Gibbs Racing – and was made to provide an optimal lubricant for professional racing cars.

Driven Racing Oil is developed with the function of the engine in mind. Their racing oil begins with the highest quality base oils to protect your engine- plus zinc, phosphorus and sulfur. These additives provide precisely the right blend to allow your engine to work at its highest capacity. The company’s engineers have based this formula on their unique knowledge of how an engine performs – and the unique differences and demands on the high performance motor of a racing car.

Racing cars are used in a particular pattern. They don’t run every day like a minivan or the sedan of a commuter, so their engines have needs a street car does not have. A car’s engine is taxed with the need for performance as soon as the ignition is turned on; and then the engine is required to perform at a maximum capacity for a brief period of time. After it’s engine cools down, condensation naturally forms. After that, it is not usually called upon to perform on a daily basis. The combination of the condensation and inactivity can cause rust to form on your engine. Because of this, a racing oil must be formulated to coax an expert performance in spite of this.

Driven Racing Oils have also developed a formula which is further enhanced. It is called GP-1 Engine Oils, and they use Pennsylvania Petroleum with an additional high zinc content. This results in a high-performance motor oil. Using this high-performance racing oil will allow your motor to provide increased horsepower, and to give more protection against engine wear.

If you want more information or you would like to see the technical specifications of Driven Racing Oil can go to their website drivenracingoil.com for further information.